Offline Mode
This feature is only available for specific customers. For more information about offline mode and if it’s available to you, please contact
Offline Mode allows you to use Zephyr without a network connection. Note: a network connection is required initially to setup offline mode. After offline mode is enabled successfully, you can use the Launcher and Zephyr without a network connection.
This article assumes that you’ve already discussed your offline needs and had your organization approved for offline mode.
Enable Offline Mode
Only an Institution Admin can enable offline mode on a device. Each device that you plan to use offline will need to be setup individually.
Open the Little Arms Launcher on the device you’d like to prepare to use offline
Sign In to your Zephyr Institution Admin account through the launcher
Click on “Settings” > “Network” > “Enable” next to “Offline Mode”
Click “Start” after reading through the notification
Select “Zephyr” and click “Next”
Select your organization (if there are multiple, you can only select one organization per device) and click “Next”
Enter an identifiable name in the next window (this is for troubleshooting purposes. We input the device name by default) and click “Next”
In order to allow different users to use the device in offline mode, we must prepare their user profiles ahead of time. In this next window, please select all users that plan to use the device in offline mode.
Note: if you need to add or remove a user from the list, you will need to disable/enable offline mode again to update the selection
When you’ve selected all users that plan to use the device offline, click “Process”
Depending on the number of users and how large their profiles are, this might take upwards of a couple of minutes
Once it’s complete, you should be presented with an “Offline Mode Enabled” notification. Click “Done”
Now your device is setup to use offline.
You can still “use the device offline” even if you have a network connection. You will notice that the “Use Offline” option is available even though you are connected to a network.
Disable Offline Mode
With a network connection and as an Institution Admin, Sign In to the Launcher
Go to “Settings” > “Network” and click “Disabled” next to “Offline Mode”
Click “Yes” when prompted
All offline mode data has been removed and offline mode disabled.
If you have any questions or issues, please reach out to
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Created by Little Arms Studios