Copy a Course (and Assignments)


Institution Admin, Instructor

In Zephyr, you can copy a course and its assignments over to a new course.

  1. Navigate to the Courses table in the Management screen on Zephyr

  2. Click the Options Cog on the Course you would like to copy

  3. Click “Create Copy”

  4. Change necessary Course information for the new course

    1. Name

    2. Start Date

    3. End Date

    4. etc.

  5. If there were assignments associated with the course you copied from, a Copy Assignments window will appear

  6. Change necessary information for each new assignment as it pertains to the new course

    1. Start Date

    2. End Date

    3. Due Date

    4. etc.

  7. Click Submit

  8. Your new course and assignments should be created and ready to invite students to


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